One stretch to rule them all

Bottom of the Squat

`Feet as strait forward as possible

Feet are at a width that allows you to squat to maximum depth (and whatever is a pain free range for you – this range will improve over time)

`Heels stay on the ground

`Knees pressed out (not allowed to collapse toward your centerline)

If needed, hold something solid to help you control your movement down and back up out of the squat (staircase post, rack in the gym, door frame etc.)

*Note: This is the only position that allows the sacrum to safely unlock from your pelvis, rotate and stretch (this is safe because there is no compression from below e.g. you are not sitting on something)

To get up, press your shins up to vertical then stand up (or you can just roll backwards, chin tucked to chest, making sure there is nothing behind you)

Play around with this. Change the width of your feet, move a little back to front/side to side. See areas are most uncomfortable and work on those separately.

Good luck, enjoy and hope this helps!

Scott Willocks