3 critical must do’s to avoid repetitive use injuries
Interval training
Add in bodyweight movements
t is the time of year, type of weather and with social distancing concerns; where many folks find themselves with limited options (treadmill/stationary bike/elliptical) for fitness and my end up doing activities that can end up in repetitive use injuries.
Here are 3 ways to avoid these pitfalls:
1. Interval Training
Performing intervals increases the intensity of your workout. Giving you great cardio respiratory benefit while reducing injury risk associated with long steady cardio sessions.
2. Include bodyweight movements
Program breaks in your cardio to perform movements like air squats, sit-ups and push-ups. For example: 1 min jog/push-ups/1 min jog/15 air squats/1 min jog/20 sit-ups. Repeat as may rounds/distance/time as you desire.
3. Mobility
After a pure cardio session (especially if it is a steady, longer paced session) it is easy to just walk away when complete. Build in 5-10 minutes to stretch, roll, mobilize your feet, ankles, knees, hips etc. after you’re are done.
Hope this helps!