My Injury Anniversary
Looking back at my last real workout “Injury”
(hoping I don’t jinx it!)
How it impacted my mindset
What I changed to stay injury free
(fingers crossed!)
After yesterday’s post on repetitive injury, I looked back in my workout book…..
And found this month is my 5 year Anniversary
Of when I tore my right MCL (1yr after tearing my Left one!)
In the scope of what is going in the world right now, not the biggest deal but……
– at the time I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to pass my PT Test and may get kicked out of the military–
I was really frustrated and confused why this was happening
I was afraid to run (my knee jerk plan was to not run, save it up for the test and hope for best)
But that really wasn’t a “plan” so I had to think about why these injuries happened and do something different
So here is what I came up with.
I was doing too much running, coupled with a lot of high repetition workouts, topped off with religiously skipping recovery and post workout mobility!
Genius, I know!
I was getting so tight with so much impact during my workouts… joints were left to pay the price.
What I did, and still do:
1. Use low impact, loaded movements for my “cardio”
E.g. Shuttle movements carrying a sandbag/slamball. Uphill walking wearing a weight vest.
2. Emphasis (read, me actually doing it!) on post workout mobility-recovery
3. Performing strength movements with a focus on form and full range of motion
Now, total transparency; I still run but…..only 3-4 times per year, it’s programmed away from cycles where I’m doing a lot of leg exercises, almost exclusively on a treadmill with some incline (to reduce impact) and just as a way to stay in touch with running “as a skill” not as my primary engine building movement.
And my 1 1/2 mile times continue to improve (last test time 10:38, 4 Nov 20) without all the pounding I used to do.
If you have a similar story, and/or are working out like I use to, please consider these tips. Coming back from injury, especially when it’s your own fault, is awful.
Hope this helps!