#1 Back Pain Fix
This one-move solves 90% + of low back pain
The Couch Stretch
This move opens up your hips, re-balances your pelvis and reduces the strain on your back.
This stretch solved my years of having a nagging, achy low back. Opening up your hips really counters all the sitting we typically do which tightens up our hip flexors.
Couch Stretch ROE & Progression.
Rules Of Engagement:
Knee against wall, toes pointed strait up
Abs Tight, ribs down (prevent arching back to feel like you are increasing the range of motion)
Squeeze you butt (same side you are stretching)
Foot over arm of couch, plyo box, seat of car or truck
Use chair or couch (thus where the name comes from)
Please give this one a try and let me know if it helps.