Sickness-wellness-fitness continuum
We often limit our thinking of “Fitness” as how fast we can run, how much we can lift or how lean we may look.
While those categories are easy to measure, or see, they are just part of the bigger picture.
I was looking through some of my saved articles and thought this one from CrossFit would be a good one to share as it sums up what our overall goal should be…
We all probably have heard stories of or know some people who are super “Fit”; can do amazing physical feats or look like a superhero…..but have/had high blood pressure, terrible cholesterol numbers etc. and have had an early exit in life.
If we think about having “Super Health”, with ”Fitness” as a marker along that journey and doing all the things we can (eating well, reducing stress, moving our body) toward the real goal of living a long, functional and (as a result a hopefully more fun) life.
Hope this helps!