I’m not fat. I just have body armor!
How much Body Armor are you carrying? ….. How much protection do you need? How easy is it to build your body armor?
If your diet, exercise and stress levels keep you perfectly at your current weight…
BUT you add JUST 1 Coke OR 3 Oreo cookies to you diet every day….
In just over 2 weeks (17 days) you will have gained a pound of fat.
In a month about 2 pounds.
In a year, you will have gained close to 25 pounds of fat.
And the more you gain, the less exercise you can or want to do….and you can guess where this goes from here.
BUT…the reverse is also true.
Just a small change can start removing some of that body armor, making it easier to move around, perform daily tasks, letting you move around some more….etc.
Obviously, there are more factors involved, but enacting a simple, positive, sustainable change to your diet can lead to big results!