Form first! - (you probably shouldn’t look like this)
What is the craziest thing you’ve seen in the gym?
As we get back to working out after the holidays or start our New Year's resolutions to get fitter.....
Please remember that learning and using the correct form (NOT what’s in the picture) is critical to injury prevention (can't get fitter if you're hurt)!
You see a lot of strange things in a gym. If you have a question, find someone knowledgeable and don't be afraid to ask for some help.
Sometimes this may mean taking a step back (lowering the weight) to perform a movement correctly (range of motion/ posture etc.). But the benefits and protections of moving correctly are worth any short term hit to the ego.
Getting to a place of overall fitness and functionality is most often a marathon vs. a sprint.
Here's to a healthier 2021!