First step in achieving your goals

What's your 1st step when going after a goal?

Weather it's money, job, school or health; the recommended steps are the same.

Write it down, make it valuable to you (physically/emotionally), put a date on it, have achievable milestones along the way.

All these are important steps to get you there.

But what is the most important part of actually REACHiNG that goal?

When it comes to being healthier or more "in shape" have to realize you...

Are NOT a slave to your genetics.....

May have to do something different..... (things you did before may not work now)

But the real reason you may struggle with changing your health is...

You are not ALL IN for your current effort

(because you have a limiting belief….you don’t think you can really change)!

Belief is the foundation/ the real First Step to (Achieving) whatever goal you have!

Don't limit yourself (there are enough other people out there willing to do that for you)!

Believe and go make the changes you want!

Hope this helps!

Scott Willocks