What is the Best Way to Improve Your Fitness?
Are you a cardio person? Walking, Running Biking. Or are you a Weights person? Machines, Barbells, Dumbbells.
If you are in one camp or the other THIS may really help boost your fitness level.
Work your WEAKNESS.
If you love those weights and are super strong BUT can’t run from your house to your mailbox….then building a solid base of aerobic capacity is your best investment (If you increase your ability to work longer….then you can lift more weights)!
On the other side, if you are a big runner, your strength is likely low and getting in the weight room will help you the most (if you get stronger, you are less likely to get injured, will tire less quickly and then you get to run more)!
Doing some of those things you don’t like (or feel you’re not “good” at) are usually the activities that will make the biggest improvements in your fitness.
And filling those fitness gaps will let you do the things you love more (and do them better).
Hope this helps!