Weight/Fat loss: It’s simple right? Just eat less work more
Can You Outwork a Bad Diet?
The idea that you can work hard enough to offset a bad diet partially stems from conventional calories-in-calories-out thinking.
To lose weight just reduce calories and increase exercise.
While this may create some short-term changes, calories are not created equally.
This concept doesn’t address the fact your hormones matter most for LASTING fat loss. Your food choices signal hormones to store or burn fat, speed or slow your metabolism, and build or break down muscle.
The calories in Steak or Spinach cause a very different response in your body than a Chocolate Donut. So, if you eat a lot of sugary crap, you can exercise all you want and still struggle to lose fat.
1 big thing you can do now:
Stay away from SUGAR (as much as you can)! Sugar (especially processed) drives up insulin levels, a signal to STORE FAT. Where lean meat, vegetables, nuts, and even some fruit trigger other hormones like glucagon that RELEASE FAT to use as energy.
Eating just a little better can give you more energy (to maybe go workout), help you have better workouts, recover faster from exercise……creating an environment to be healthier!
Hope this helps!