Should you work 1 arm/ 1 leg at a time?

Bilateral (using both limbs together) vs. Unilateral (using one limb at a time)

Bilateral exercises make up the bulk of almost every training/exercise routine you see and are the common measures when we talk about strength and power [Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift].

But single-limb work can be better in developing strength, muscle and keeping us healthy longer. And unilateral exercises more closely mimic movements in real life (and sport). [Running, Climbing Stairs, Punching, Carrying Groceries]


Unilateral Movement Benefits:

·      Increased demand on stabilizing muscles

·      Faster development of core strength, stability and balance

·      Reveals asymmetry (range of motion, strength, control) from side-to-side

o   [This can help address and fix imbalances which aids in injury prevention]


So, this doesn’t mean you should never squat again and only do lunges or do all your deadlifts with one hand.

But it is worth thinking about adding in some single-limb exercises into your workout plan to be more well-rounded in your fitness and a little more bulletproof in life!


Hope this helps!

Scott Willocks