Efficient Workouts

What do you do when you are short on time at the gym?

No matter how well we plan, things come up, time gets short, but you still want to get that workout in.

Here is a strategy to get in and out of the gym quickly and still get some quality work done.

1. Perform the primary movement you want to train (ideally a compound movement like some kind of Squat, Deadlift, Press etc.) with a challenging weight in the 3-5 rep range.

2. Follow that with a similar movement (Lunges, Box Jumps, Power Cleans, Push-ups) that you can perform at higher reps as the “conditioning” portion of your workout.

You hit a particular area/muscle group in two ways (strength and power/speed development) while also taxing your heart/lungs and endurance.

You can perform the primary exercise (strength portion) to completion then move to the lighter (conditioning) movement. Or, you can couple these movements, (Squat followed by Box Jumps) building in a small break after completing both exercises.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

Hope this helps!

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Scott Willocks